Monday, November 10, 2008

J's Rachel

So here is a look at J's supplement schedule to date:

Morning (this is all mixed in a shot glass):
1 tsp of fish oil with Coq10
1 capsule Taurine
1 capsule Acetyl L-Carnitine
1 capsule L-Carnitine
1 capsule Vit. E (Gamma E 500 Tocooherol)
2 capsule Methylaid
1 capsule Minerall
1/2 tsp essential GSH oral liposomal Glutathione
starting today 2 drops of GSE for 3 weeks

Afternoon (in his water with lunch):
1 capsule Probiotic
1/2 tsp Vit. C

Evening (in his water with dinner):
1 capsule Probiotic
1/4 tsp Vit. C

MB12 shots every 3 days
Authia Cream twice a day

And when I can I try and get in 2 more Methylaids and 1 capsule Taurine (though recently this hasn't been happening often).

Randomly he will throw this all up. Like this morning. Nothing like a little fish oil in the carpet to make it smell like the ocean!! He doesn't throw up immediately (like you would think) but within an hour after taking it all. Not sure what is doing it though? He has had a cold so maybe it's just a combination of post nasal drip and a disgusting mix of fish oil and such.

His ped. suggested taking it at night so I tried this yesterday but the problem with this is that I have to spread out the GSE (grapefruit seed extract for yeast) and the probiotic by at least 2 hours (if you don't spread it out they cancel each other out). Also, probiotics should be taken at night. It's just not enough hours in the day to get this all in.

I am just happy he is taken it at all - he went on strike a month ago and would not take anything. It sucked! It literally put me in a panic b/c I know how much the supplements help him.

I also have been awful about giving the MB12 shot. I have not been able to stay up late enough to make sure he is completely asleep to give it. I have to do it tonight! Last night he had on PJ's that zipper up (he calls it his "wolf suit" from Where the Wild Things Are) and there was no way I was going to be able to unzip it and give him a shot without waking him up.

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