Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's a ROLLERCOASTER! by Kirsten

Reading the post from Rachel made me think of the rollercoaster analogy. I always think of ASD as a rollercoaster & I imagine what part of the rollercoaster we are on. Are we at the top? If so, does that mean we are going to plunge down at any moment? Are we headed DOWN (there have been plenty of those days too)??? My favorite days are the ones that feel like we are climbing steadily upward in that comfortable space without the fear of dropping! Did I mention that I HATE rollercoasters? :)

Some days for us can feel completely 'normal'. We are fortunate that JC has made so much progress over the last year that there are days no one would ever know that he was on the spectrum at all. Then there are the DOWN rollercoaster days and times. Those are the ones when it really hits us & they pretty much suck. I wish I could say that the ups & downs make me appreciate the ups - mostly I have to keep reminding myself that things will get better. I try really hard to appreciate and be grateful for the good stuff. I really believe it is so important to do that - I just need to make an effort to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you all so much for posting. My son has had a HORRIBLE couple of weeks and its just hard to get out of bed somedays. I just said last night to my husband that this rollercoaster feels like will never end and just when I think I have ahold on something, something else falls out of my hands. Keep posting ladies, you guys do rock.