Friday, November 21, 2008

Jen Sucks

Okay, so I haven't been blogging. Rachel is sure to let me know about this. I have been going back and forth on the IEP and that's my excuse. It's lousy, but there it is. I hate the IEP process at the preschool level. It seems pointless. I feel as if no matter what the paper says, the class will be the same either way, with the exception of maybe an extra 30 minutes of ST here or there. It is what it is. Here's how I feel about school. It's better than stimulation than I could offer on a full-week basis, but ultimately, it's not going to be the ticket. It does make me feel inadequate though. (Autism will generally reduce you to your lowest level of incompetency.) No really, it's THAT awesome. I feel like I should be all over his school program, reviewing goals, tracking progress, observing, etc. More or less, school is just a place to go where he may learn something, but at least I'll have some time to try and figure what to do next. So, what are we trying next? We'll doing a few staple biomed supps like CLO, MB-12, zinc, probiotics, enzymes, P5P, E. I'm hot on trying GABA since we have such a lack of calmness and focus (unless it involves the alphabet.) I'm currently re-thinking the GF/CF diet b/c I'm not sure if he's a responder. I have no evidence of sensitivity to either and behavioral changes aren't apparent. I hate it throw in the towel on it, but I also don't want to waste time on things that are NOT HELPING. Got a bunch of blood work back and have a few markers suggestive of mito dysfunction, so we'll need to test for the MTHFR gene mutation so I can join Rachel's wicked happy club. We've also began work with a homeopath whom I really like and we've done two sessions so far with a cranial osteopath. Something's got to give. For Christmas, we are asking the grandparents for a child-tracking device b/c he's such a flight risk and he's so goddamned fast. Awesome.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sue. At least I'm not so ridiculously old in comparison anymore. Because OLD and BITTER is such an attractive combo :)

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