Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bad Night by Rachel

Last night when I got home from work J was having a full blown tantrum like he hasn't had in a year. He was screaming, crying, kicking and only wanted my husband. When I came in the door he screamed at me "get out now" and didn't want me near him (which is unusual). He couldn't calm down - finally after about 45 minutes of this we finally got him into his PJ's and into our bed but he still was hiccuping and crying some. We haven't seen him do this in at least 8-12 months. He use to have these types of tantrums 3-4 times a week where he would be inconsolable. I have no idea what set him off - was it he was just tired or he is coming down with something or did he have an infraction to the diet. I have no idea.

My husband said what started it was he was in the bathroom for his bath and saw the Motrin bottle and said he wanted "white medicine". I had given him some earlier in the day b/c I thought he felt hot. My husband, JG, said no - then J started freaking out. Do you think he might not have felt well and wanted the Motrin to feel better? I don't know. We did end up giving to him a dose though.

I am taking him to the drs today to talk about diabetes testing (he drinks a ton of water), zinc + selenium testing and I will have him check his ears and throat to make sure he isn't sick.

I hated seeing him so upset last night - it brought back so many bad nights from before we started this biomedical journey.

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