Monday, November 10, 2008

A feel-good moment:) by Kirsten

I had a great moment today that I have to share! I was picking J up at school/daycare today & when I walked in they were sitting in a circle on the carpet & the teacher was reading a story. J immediately got up & walked over to me, but then realized that he wanted to hear the story! He said "I'll be right back" & sat back down with the group. Not at the edge or in the back, but right in the middle between 2 other kids. He had his eyes on the teacher & the book with a HUGE smile on his face the whole time. The teacher asked lots of questions during the story & J answered each one! He started cracking up at the silly ending of the book too! Just standing there watching him in the group of NT ( 'normal'...ugh) kids, I don't think that anyone would ever have picked him out in the crowd. In fact, he might have looked like the MOST engaged, happy, excited kid in the class! It really made me so happy. There were a couple of other moms standing there waiting for the story to be over & I just thought "there is no way that they are looking at their kids with the amazement and joy that I am feeling right now". That is a definite silver lining to the whole ASD thing...small things that seem insignificant or ordinary to parents of NT kids can be huge accomplishments for us. I even find myself marvelling over things that my NT daughter does as well. They are little things that J did not do at her age (like asking another kid to play).
Thank God for moments like this one...they keep me going & sane on the harder days.

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