Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary by Rachel

Happy Anniversary to us! We have been married for 7 years today and together 11 years total. This last few years have been very trying on our marriage, our life and our sanity but we are still here...together.

JL is a great husband, dad, provider and person. I am so lucky to have him in my life (in fact, everyone who knows him is lucky-he is definetely the person you want in your corner). Most of all he makes me laugh. And let me tell you when you have a child with ASD...a sense of humor is sometimes is the only thing that gets you up in the morning.

Do you want to know how we are spending our anniversary? We are going to another neurodevelopment pediatrician for a second opinion :) Not by choice, but after waiting 14 months for an appointment with a doctor who takes our insurance this was the day we got.

I love JL more today then I did when I married him. I am not sure I always tell him or show him this but it's true. Sometimes when you are pushed and pulled a 100 different directions you forget how important it is to reconnect with the people you love.

So on that note I am off to give my sweet husband a big hug!

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