Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008 by Rachel

Happy Halloween!

We had a pretty good Halloween this year. I wasn't sure if J would want to wear the costume and since he can't eat the candy it's a bummer. His preschool dressed up on Thursday, 10/30 but J was home sick from school. Friday, he wanted to go over our neighbors so I said let's get dressed in our costume and he did (it was a skeleton costume w/ bones on a black sweatsuit so it's about as comfortable as it gets). We wore it over to the neighbors that he loves - and trick or treated there. Then we went to one other neighbor and J did not want to interact with them at all - which is fine - he doesn't really know them.

Then we came home and passed out candy and he loved that! Everytime the doorbell rang he ran to it and wanted to pass out the candy. I think he finally put it all together that you dress up, go to other people's houses, say trick or treat and get candy in your bag.

This morning he woke up and said "put our costumes on and go trick or treating". I said "no, we have to wait until next year". Luckily, Kirsten is have her annual Halloween party today so J can wear his costume again today.

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