Monday, January 19, 2009

Basic Vent by Rachel

The older J gets the more obvious his developmental delay is. I almost don't want to respond when parents ask how old J is. When he was 3 it was ok that his speech wasn't that great but now that he is almost 5 there is a huge gap between him and a NT (neurotypical) child.

In my eyes, speech is J's biggest problem developmentally. He is still not using pronouns correctly, his receptive speech (when you ask him a question) is at a 2 yr 11 month child's level, conversational speech is lacking, his still jargons and he scripts (mostly from movies). If we can get a handle on his speech I think he will fit in more with is peers - he is a social kid by nature so if he has the speech he can interact appropriately. He is getting private speech now in addition to the speech therapy the IU gives him.

Biomedically, I think J's biggest problems are yeast, high levels of tin, stimming (not that this is biomedical but I think there are things we can do for this), some of his quirky things (smelling, itching his skin), focusing, vitamin defiencies and tantrums. I feel like there is some supplement or protocol out there that can fix these things. I do believe that the yeast, tin and food allergies make J feel like crap so he can't learn at the same rate as a NT child does.

Somedays just suck! J has been so fresh lately. It really bothers me. He can't be a fresh/rude child. It's one thing to be autistic and a whole other thing to be fresh. He can't be both. I don't know if it's a phase and all 4.5 yr olds are like this or if he is becoming a...brat (I hate to use this word but if the shoe fits). JL says I should just ignore it but I can't. It makes me angry when he says "Shoo - get away from me" or hits me or says "don't touch me". We give him time outs, tell him it isn't nice and get angry at him. Nothing seems to work. It is so frustrating for me. He doesn't do it much to others but mostly to me, JL and sometimes his grandparents. But it's not acceptable.

Please let it be a phase.


Unknown said...

What works for me is when it comes to the angry words is to IGNORE. I do my best to praise when my asd child DOESN'T get angry. He does get punished for being physical - matter of fact we just started a contract which has had a big impact on him. If you try the IGNORE method -- remember -- it will get worse and louder b4 it gets better. But remember to praise. My rule of thumb is 10 praises to 1 correction. Good luck. I enjoy the blogs.

ASD Moms Rock said...

That is a good idea. It's so hard sometimes. I get so frustrated with him being fresh.

Thanks for following the blog.