Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Drowning in Poop by Sue

Now that CJ6 is eating more fibrous and healthy foods, he is having more frequent stools. This would be great if it occurred on the potty, but he seems to be scared of it. We had potty trained CJ6 for urination over a year ago, but we have not been successful with pooping. During the summer, he was very infrequent (6-14 days without a poop). We realized that this was a medical issue that we needed to address first and that we could not address the behaviors until there was some consistency and or predictability.
Fortunately for school, he seems to poop every afternoon. I think he is holding it until he gets home from school, but somethings he comes home with a slightly soiled underwear (we call this a "dirty fart"). As soon as he gets home from school, I have him pee on the toilet. I have also been having him sit on the potty for 10 minutes (using a timer). I have found that right before he poops, he runs around doing a dance to try and hold it in. Whenever I catch him doing the dance, I whisk him to the toilet, but he runs away saying no. If I catch him before soiling and put him on the potty, it seems that his urge conviently disappears. After 20 minutes, I put him in pull ups. In his entire life, I have only ever gotten him to poop in the potty 3 times (and they were all within 5 minutes of having given him an enema). I believe that he is deathly afraid of the potty.......sort of lik e how he was with eating.
Here is an example of last week........
After sitting him on the potty for 10 minutes, he proceeded to poop in his underwear. I threw out that underwear and he then pooped 4 more times in pull ups. Again, he sat for another 10 minutes and nothing, so when the 6th one arrived, I could not handle it and told Jim I had gone on strike!!!
Of course, we had the same problem, but this time we were at CJ6's gym class!!! I was mortified as I needed to take him into the bathroom, throw out his underwear, and then retrieve a turd that had rolled out of his pants! I just wanted to sit in a corner and cry, but I had to gain my composure because I needed to be a parent to TR2.
When Cj6 came home, he had stool in his underwear. CJ6's behaviorist worked with him for the next 3 hours. We had him sit on the potty the entire time, with a couple of quick breaks to jump on the trampoline.
While at a party, he soiled his underwear, and left a trail of feces on the floor.
Had a dirty fart. Put him in a pull up and he stayed up late.......
CJ6 woke up with poop in his overnight pullup (I think he was retaining until he had privacy)
When he arrived home from school, he had another dirty fart and then 2 more large stools.
I feel totally overwhelmed with poop (especially since I have 2 boys with gi issues in diapers).

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