Thursday, January 22, 2009

Feeling the Love by Rachel

Today has been a great day! J was falling asleep for a much needed nap and I was looking at him and got choked up. The immense love I feel for him is so overwhelming sometimes. He means everything to both JL and I. Here are some of the best things about J:
- He is so funny - he really has a quick wit and sometimes just says things that are hysterical. Example (not appropriate but whatever): He calls my breasts "boots" and one day I was laying down on the floor and he said "Mommy where did your boots go"
- He is beautiful - with his dark hair and eyes and the longest eyelashes ever.
- He has the best hands,feet, belly and bum. I could eat them up.
- He is sweet and compassionate. He always asks if we are ok and wants to give us a spiderman bandaid.
- He is strong and athletic. Loves to run, climb, jump and swim.
- He is truly happy. He has this his awesome belly laugh that just makes you smile.
- He surprises me all the time. Just when I think I know how he is going to react to something he surpises me.
- He loves other people and seeks them out.
- His whole face lights up when he is excited. His eyes actually sparkle.

Even if we don't recover J - he still is a happy little guy and he is loved by so many people. Don't think I am still not going to fight autism until my last breath but I have to remember J is happy and that is what matters most.

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