Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Random 2009 Items by Rachel

We will be taking J to see a new DAN! dr in NY on Jan. 12th. I am looking forward to this b/c we haven't been happy with our other DAN! dr in FL. I hope this new dr will shed some light on somethings for us.

Here are a few things I want to discuss:

1. Amount/consistency of J's urine - I know gross but true. He pees a ton and it's very clear. Sue brought up that red blood cells are what color the urine yellow and J has low hemoglobin so is that a problem? Also, B vitamins will color pee so is he getting enough B vitamins? He gets the MB12 shot and B6 from fish oil.

2. Do we need to switch up his supplements? Right now he takes:
1 capsule Taurine
2 capsules Probiotics
1 capsule Acetyl L-Carnitine
1 capsule L-Carnitine
2 caps. Methylaids
3/4 tsp fish oil
1 1/2 caps. Coq10 (this also has Vit. C in it)
1 Minerall
1/2 tsp Glutithione
1 cap. Vit E gamma-tocopherol
MB12 shots
Authia Cram
Epsom Salt Baths

Actually I have not given him any supp. in 3 days since we had an early appt with this new DAN! dr but had to change it due to pending weather. So, I really should start again today since the appt is now in 2 weeks.

3. Address his stimming. He really has been doing it more lately without the supp.

4. Speech is a huge issue - we are starting private speech lessons next week. I am really hoping this helps J but is there another supp that might help more then just the Methyaid which has the TMG in it.

5. Yeast - we can't seem to get a handle on this b/c as soon as we start a yeast protocol he starts regressing (tantrums, fussy, frustrated). We have tried GSE and diflucan - both affected him the same.

6. GFCF - should we stay on this diet or switch to SCD or another diet? Would it help his yeast issue?

In addition to this appt. I need to settle J's school situation.

We really need to figure out what we are going to do with J this summer and next year. Since I am working now I need to figure out a camp situation for J. I so want him to go to the same place Kirsten sends her kids b/c
1. It's a great place (as I am told by everyone) 2. They have a summer program so I would kill 2 birds with 1 stone. We have been on their waiting list for 2 years now. I call every few weeks to check and see if there is an opening but there never has been. The school said that by March they should know if they have any openings. There are 2 other private schools that I have as a back up plan. I really want to get the school situation settled asap so I don't have to worry about it any longer. It weighs on me.

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