Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Food by Rachel

J did feeding therapy and has done AWESOME with eating. We are stuck in a rut right now with eating the samethings over and over. Also, I have let J have Ian's ABC french fries at least with one meal a day. He also would like to have a cereal bar and bananas for breakfast. I would say 5 out of 7 days I allow this. I need to get back on track with making new foods and not allowing him to get into a routine with certains foods.

Also, I feel like we should try the SCD (specific carb diet) which is eating only simple carbs. Sue has seen big gains with her son since implementing it and I have heard other parents say the same thing. My probably with this is that there will be no potatoes, cereal bars, tings, gummie bears, pasta, pizza, ketschup, sauce, bananas, cookies/cakes, peanut butter, butter etc. All this stuff is bad for him anyway but what am I going give him for snacks at school? What about his treat for taking his supplements? Basically all he will be able to eat is nuts, certain fruits and veggies, meats, chicken, fish. It is so restrictive.

It is just so overwhelming for me to think about implementing a new diet for him. Then I feel awful b/c am I holding him back from recovering b/c I don't want to try a new diet? The GFCF diet is already limiting a lot of food for him. J just had a meltdown b/c he couldn't have a grilled cheese sandwich the other night which breaks my heart to see. He does have an allergy to gluten and caesin (IGG allergy that we found out through a blood test) so he can't have that which makes me feel less guilty to withold those foods from him - since I know they make him physically sick.

Should I wait until the summer to try the SCD diet so he will be out of school? Will it make any difference at all? I just don't know.

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