Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thankful by Rachel

I just got back from taking J to Occupational Therapy. I saw two boys who were using walkers, visibly disabled and hard of hearing . As hard as our situation is with J there are always people worse off (I hate to say that those children are worse off b/c I have no idea what their situation is). But at first glance, we don't have to deal with wheelchairs/walkers, oxygen tanks or not being to speak or hear.

I have to remember to savor the little things. I can see J smile when he is happy and cry when he is sad. He can run, jump and sing. He loves to give JL and I hugs and kisses. He pretends I am Princess Mommy and he is Prince Charming and kisses me to wake up! He is our sweet boy.

I heard these mothers talking about going holiday shopping while pushing a wheelchair and their shopping carts at the sametime. Can you imagine? They were laughing about it but I am sure somedays they are not laughing.

Tonight, I feel thankful for my family, our health and happiness.

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