Friday, December 12, 2008

Life is BUSY!!! by Kirsten

First off, I am sorry I have not written in forever! Things have been crazy both on and off of the ASD front. I work 4 days a week in a pretty stressful job & this is my busy time of year. In fact, it is 10:30 on a Friday night & I JUST decided to call it quits for the night. I have been working now since 8am. I was working at home tonight, but it was still exhausting!

Things have been going well with JC this week (knock on wood!). Since you just never know, I will take it when I get it. A big issue for JC is constipation & it really effects his mood and behaviors. This week, the poops have been happening almost daily (AMAZING!!!!), so things are good:) I ordered this nasty stuff called Fruit-Eze online. I do believe that it is used in nursing homes for old people with constipation. Whatever works...I will try it! We have been giving J some *tasty* peanut butter and fruit-eze (basically a prune spread) sandwiches everyday. YUM! He's been in a great mood, so life is good.

Last week was a different story. He wasn't pooping & he had gotten a cold. That is the ASD kiss of death for us. Just like Rachel wrote, colds = regression for us here. It totally SUCKS when that happens. I feel like I lose him & I hate it. Thankfully, he comes back to me when he feels better. But it is really scary and sad to see some of his forgotten ASD symptoms return when he gets sick.

I can't wait to see the 3 of you & your husbands tomorrow night! Jen is having a party & we will all be there:-) WITHOUT the kids...even better:):):)

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