Saturday, December 6, 2008

Colds suck by Rachel

J has been fighting this cough/cold thing for a month now. I brought him to his Ped. twice and he was given amoxicillan for a sinus infection. We are done with the dose but he still has this hacking smokers cough. It keeps him up at night and in turn keeps JL and I up. I wonder if it is a new cold that he caught on the tailend of his sinus infection or was it not an infection at all? I guess I will have to bring him back to his ped. this week which stinks b/c he will either have to miss school or therapies to do this.

Also, with sicknesses comes regression. I notice with J that has had more tantrums then ever this last month, gets frustrated much more easily and perseverates (repeating) things more then ever. It is so upsetting to watch b/c I am always so afraid that it's not just the cold but a permanent setback. These regressions aren't all the time in fact, today is a good day, but you just never know. I know he is tired and doesn't feel well but it is hard to watch the regressions with the constant fear he is getting worse not better.

Anyway, I hope he feels better before the holiday festivities begin. Since we all know how busy this time of year is for everyone.

Happy Holidays!

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