Monday, December 15, 2008

Autism in the Media - by Sue

I was watching Good Morning America on Sat morning, and they were doing a section about holiday messages. All words were written on flashcards and then flipped over. There was music playing in the background. Some messages were about soldiers in Irag and some were from children with cancer, etc... The very last portion had a little boy that flipped up his card. It read "Autism is Treatable". Then, he flipped over the card, and it read "I am proof!" I burst into tears, because it was the first time that the news media was acknowledging that there is hope. Maybe we are entering a new age for autism.

1 comment:

Tina@ SendChocolateNow said...

Wouldn't that be something?? That we actually pick up and clean up our messes? (as in, messes that derive from living on this planet...)
