Friday, February 6, 2009

Turning 5 is stressing me out! by Kirsten

So, JC will be turning 5 in a few months. I can't believe it! I feel like he is still my baby. My husband told me (in a nice way) this morning that I need to stop babying him, but I can't! I think that is just how I am...I will probably be one of those moms cutting up food for my kids when they are 20:)

With turning 5 comes some schooling decisions. Here is the potential dilemma. We want him to stay in his current school (which is a typical preschool/daycare). They have a full-time private K program. Ideally, he would go to their K program & then we would possibly send him to K again the following year. We really do think that he needs that 'growth' year in there. Of course with the hopes that one more year will get him closer to his peers socially.

The problems are:
1. He is extremely 'smart' - not that this is a problem in itself, but he already knows all of the academics for K (and for 1st & 2nd grade, for that matter).

2. It is still up in the air about whether the IU will be providing private K services next year. Apparently this is a new proposal (to stop the IU from providing) & it is not decided yet. I think that this is a state thing.

3. We can't really afford it.

We took JC for the private speech eval. I haven't gotten the written report yet, but it appears that he does NOT have any speech delay. For some areas he tested older than his age & others he was on target. And this was with him purposely giving wrong answers or saying "I don't know" when he really did know (this is one of his 'things' that he does). However, the SLP did suggest she thought he had major focus and attending issues. ADHD here we come???

She also suggested the growth year for JC & made a great point that academics can always be supplemented, but a social skills deficit is harder to handle. She said that it starts to become more apparent from 3rd-5th grade than it would earlier. Giving him that extra year would at least give him a fighting chance.

Otherwise, the updates aren't huge here....just plugging away. I am looking into some new supps & more tests. Got on the waiting list for the GI doc in Boston. He is my greatest hope in the constipation battle right now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Turning 5 really isn't that bad.. then they turn 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- 9 -- 10 -- and even 11 - which is where I am at now. One ASD, one NT - both 11 and me stressed out but I still have all my hair (and I regularly get it cut). Yea - we do get stressed out - but we all know each day is a challege and we were selected to be the best we can. Keep plugging on - I would like to say it gets easier - but at this time I can't say that. I keep hoping. Check out my blog so you know what you are up against as they get older.