Saturday, February 28, 2009

J Update by Rachel

Well we are finally coming off of a 3 week family cold fest. J started off with a double ear infection and a sore throat. Then JL and I got something with congestion, cough and fever. We are finally all on the mend!

J didn't have any supplements for at least a week. It made for a rough few weeks with him just feeling awful from being sick and not having any supplements. Plus, he was on a antibiotics (I did give him probiotics to counteract it but that was it).

We made an appt with a new DAN! Dr. Mumper in Lynchburg, VA. I cancelled the appt with Dr. Compain in NY b/c of weather 3 times. Obviously, it was just not meant to be. I need a DAN! on our team though. I just don't have the knowledge or confidence to do this on my own.

We go on March 10th for a meeting about public Kindergarten next year. We didn't get into the school I really wanted for private K for him (they are filled). There are 2 that I need to follow-up with (TFT and COA) and see if they are a fit. The good news is that his preschool might be having a camp this summer - which would be great so I could work. Also, he wouldn't have to go somewhere he didn't know for camp. This would be their first time holding a camp so they are still working out the kinks.

Kindergarten right now is a priority since I need to have that ironed out. If he goes to K from 9-3 I can take on a new position at work. I am not sure how we feel about sending him to public K vs. private K. Private K is expensive but it will be full day plus he then can start public school in either Kindergarten again or 1st grade. Most importantly, Private K will mean he will get the same therapies through the county for an extra year. Public K means he will not get the services he gets now and there are no backsies with public K (he could repeat it but I would rather him not).

5 years old is right around the corner for J. I can't believe he such a big boy. It makes me sad. First of all, I thought we would have recovered him by now when he got his dx at 3. Secondly, I thought we would have another child - a sibling for J. Plus, the developmental difference between a NT 5 yr old and J is pretty visible now. At 3 and even 4 there is such a wide range of developments that you could squeak by without really noticing. Now, the kids are getting older and it's more obvious to their peers that there is a difference.

I heard this quote the other day:

"For good or bad everything is always changing".

So true.

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