Saturday, July 11, 2009

More Summer 2009 by Rachel

Well it's been a busy summer for us so far. We did not go to my parents for July 4th weekend and in turn did not start SCD. We have decided to wait until after JG's surgery on August 3rd since he will not be eating for a few days while he heals.

He has been doing really well in camp this summer which we are so relieved about. We just never know how a new routine is going to go. It is at his same preschool though which made the transition 100% easier. I am going to start driving him to his new school (public Kindergarten) in the next few weeks to get him use to it. Not sure how to handle it exactly since I am not sure he will understand that he is not going back to preschool.

I also need to take him to the hospital for a walk through to prep him for his tonsillectomy.

We also figured out that he has a bad reaction to chlorine in the pools. So, we are not swimming much in pools right now. Our friend has a salt water pool so that is a life saver. He is taking swimming lessons there during the week which is great.

That's all for now!

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