Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009 By Rachel

We have had an awesome weekend. Honestly, J has had the best few days in a row in a long time. He just was so good with the usual things that put him over into tantrum land (i.e. doing anything he doesn't want to do, leaving places he is having fun at, not getting something he wants etc.)

I have started to really tell him the "plan" each time we are going somewhere and what the "rules" are (which is really what I expect of him and what is acceptable and unacceptable behavoir). It seems to work and he can repeat most of it back to me when I ask him to "repeat what I said" so I know it has sunk in.

I can't even articulate the relief I feel right now...

But as usual I wonder why - is it the supplements which we have been back on pretty steadily the last week (fish oil with coq10, 2 methyaids, probiotic - twice a day, enzyme at each meal, acetyl l-carnitine, l-carnitine). Plus, the mb12 shots every 3 days. Or is it the new behavior plan. Also, he is taking claritin for allergies for a week and a 1/2. Who knows?

This week we are going to meet with a floortime therapist on Friday. Floortime is a therapy that starts with the child playing and the therapist builds off of what the child is doing. It's something that J hasn't done yet - it's like the complete opposite for ABA therapy which we have done for 2 years. It's time to switch it up some.

June 9th is our meeting with Dr. Mumper in VA - a new DAN! dr. I am looking forward to that.

Off I go to enjoy the rest of a great weekend!!

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