Monday, April 20, 2009

Summer Challenges by Rachel

I am trying to decide what we should tackle this summer. I would like to teach JG to swallow pills since that would make taking his supplements 100% easier. I also would like to implement the SCD (specific carb diet) to see if that helps his yeast.

I am not even sure how to get him to take pills since he has such a strong gag reflex. It is so hard to explain to him that if he took pills he wouldn't have to drink all his supplements.

The SCD is extremely limiting and he would not be able to have his beloved french fries :) Which is good since they are not good for him.

Decisions, decisions....


Unknown said...

I started my boys by using tic tacs. I was sure to make it a point to let them know they are learning to swallow pills and what they were practicing on was in fact a tic tac. You might want to mix it with applesauce first or other soft food (yogurt, ice cream, etc) then step it up with liquids. Good luck. It is such a relief when they are able to swallow pills.

ASD Moms Rock said...

Yes, you are right! I wish I could explain to him that swallowing pills will eliminate the disgusting concotion he has to take now of fish oil etc.

Thanks for the tip!