Friday, June 12, 2009

DAN! Visit By Rachel

Well we had a good visit with this new doctor. Her name is Dr. Elizabeth Mumper and she is great. She is a pediatrician and use to be the head of peds at VA Medical Center.

Basically after speaking with her and doing a full physical of J. She believes J has a high level of yeast in is GI tract. There have been tests we have done in the past to confirm them. We have tried getting rid of the yeast but when we do J has a bad reaction to it (called yeast die off) and regresses (he gets very frustrated and rigid). We usually stop whatever type of anti-fungal protocol we are doing (we have tried a holistic approach to getting rid of yeast but Grapefruit Seed Extract and also a prescription of Diflucan - both with the same die-off). Dr. Mumper wants us to do what is called an "anti-fungal parade") for 2 weeks we do Grapefruit Sees Extract the next step is to add in Enhansa (which is a more potent herb with curry in it) and then we will do 4 different meds for 2 weeks each. During each of these weeks we will essentially "mop up" all the die off yeast with activated charcoal supplements. With the hopes this helps limit J's negative behaviors.

The big part is that in addition to the anti-fungal parade we need to change J diet. The GFCF diet is ok but mostly it is carbs/startches and rice products. Yeast feeds off of all of this. So, we need to get rid of the yeast and not put more into his system. The diet is call the Specific Carb Diet b/c it's only monosacchrine foods. Basically only, proteins (meats, chicken and turkey - and obviously from reliable farms who only use very good cuts of everything), nuts, veggies and fruits (though there are some better then others). So, no french fries, chicken, pizza, ketschup etc.

I am going to go on this with J b/c I am sure it can only be better for me then what I am eating anyways. It means that we will have to bring what he can eat everywhere we go. No eating out for awhile.

The book that is the SCD Bible is "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" by Elaine Gottschall B.A.,M.Sc that I am waiting to come in the mail to read. Here is a good website though to look at more information on the diet:

I am planning on implementing it when we get back from our visit to my parents for July 4th weekend. It will gives us a month under our belt before J gets his tonsils out and then starts school.

So we are going to have a crazy few months with the new diet, supplements and the tonsillectomy (not to mention Kindergarten in Sept) will be a little trying for everyone. I know once we get everything in place - it will make a HUGE difference in how J feels.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dr. Mumper DAN! doctor by Rachel

We are getting ready to leave tomorrow for Lynchburg, VA to go to The Rimland Center to go see Dr. Liz Mumper. I am really looking forward to seeing her since we have been without a "big wig" DAN! since October (when we left Dr. Levinson). Really we have just been floating along with basically the same supplements as before. I did get a new Cod Liver Oil (Dr. Ron's), butter oil and Coq10 b/c I copied what Kirsten's been using.

We also started Floortime and I really think that it is going to help J increase his social skills and speech.

I will write when we get back.