Monday, April 20, 2009

Summer Challenges by Rachel

I am trying to decide what we should tackle this summer. I would like to teach JG to swallow pills since that would make taking his supplements 100% easier. I also would like to implement the SCD (specific carb diet) to see if that helps his yeast.

I am not even sure how to get him to take pills since he has such a strong gag reflex. It is so hard to explain to him that if he took pills he wouldn't have to drink all his supplements.

The SCD is extremely limiting and he would not be able to have his beloved french fries :) Which is good since they are not good for him.

Decisions, decisions....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tonsils/Adnoids by Rachel

J has had 2 double ear infections this winter. Last winter he had 3 cases of strep throat (he and I passed it back and forth all winter). Before that he had an ear infection and sore throat here and there but nothing chronic.

His Ped suggested we go see an ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctor to get their opinion on whether or not he needs ear tubes or his tonsils out. Well the doctor said that J has a level 3 (on a scale of 1-4) size tonsils (and that is without him being sick). A level 4 size is when the tonsils actually touch. Also, J is a mouth breather and snores at night which affects his teeth and allows a lot of germs in (your nose has nose hairs to filter out the germs when you breathe). With all that said the dr has suggested we take out his tonsils and adenoids.

I have always had strep throat and large tonsils too and I wish they would have taken mine out as a child. So, I was 100% behind this idea. I am worried about the anesthesia.

I posted on a message board about it and got a response that was very disturbing about a NT child who was fine before the surgery and after the surgery went crazy. So, now I am freaking out about it.

We are going to talk to his Ped on Sat. and talk with the ENT again. I am also going to call another ENT for a second opinion.

I don't want to ever put J in harms way but what if this really helps him?